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Essay/Term paper: Great expectations essay

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Great Expectations
Essay 6
The following people effect Pip and are effected by him. Each has distinct personal characteristics and qualities.
Mrs. Joe, Pip"s sister, is about twenty when Pip is born. She is Pip"s only known relative that is alive and has brought him up by hand. She is portrayed as a strict mean person to Pip and Joe Gargery throughout her presence in the novel, by using the "tickler," a cane for beating him when bad.
Joe Gargery, Pip"s brother-in-law and foster father, is the most good-hearted of all Dickens" characters in this book. He submits to Mrs. Joe"s rampages because he would rather have her rage fall on him than on Pip. Joe is a hard worker, has many moral values, and is a very loyal friend.
Able Magwich, a convict and Pip"s benefactor, was extremely thankful when young Pip supplied him with food and a file after he attempted to escape. He worked many years in New South Wales, Australia, to build a fortune to give to Pip. Underneath his outward frightening appearance, "a fearful man, all in coarse gray, with a great iron on his leg." Magwich is a sensitive and charitable man.
John Wemmick, one of the books openly good people, lives two lives. The "London Wemmick" has a mouth like a "post box," and follows the business procedures learned from Mr. Jaggers. The "Walworth Wemmick" is calm, good-natured, and kind. He is entirely faithful to his father, the "Aged Parent." He is the man who hands out Pip"s allowance when he is young, under the orders of Jaggers. Also he is one of Pip"s friends helping him in time of need with his "Walworth Statements," of advice.
Mr. Jaggers, probably one of the most intelligent men throughout the book, is hired by Magwich to hand out money and relay information to Pip. Jaggers is a clever, arrogant and careful Lawyer. He never commits himself to anything and is portrayed throughout the book as a person interested only in things that will make money for him.
Estella Havisham becomes a girl with a heart of ice exactly what Miss Havisham created her to be. When she gets older she also develops a basic honesty, this is seen when she tries to warn Pip and Miss Havisham that she is incapable of feeling emotion. Estella is intelligent and beautiful and Pip cannot stop loving her. His heart is broken when she marries Drummle, a vulgar person. Estella tells Pip in chapter 44 "Should I fling myself away on a

man who would the soonest feel that I took nothing from him?" She was speaking of Pip but he does not understand what she means so it does not help him comfort the pain in his heart.
Miss Havisham, daughter of a wealthy brewer, remains a scrawny white haired woman in seclusion throughout the book. Pip meets her as part of the plan to teach Estella her lessons against the male sex.
Herbert Pocket, the "Pale young gentleman" which Pip dislikes at first, soon becomes his close friend. He is pleasant, a hard worker, and easy to get along with.

Essay 7
Pip learns from his experiences and he changes as he matures. The following will discuss two of his unfavorable actions and two favorable actions during his maturing process.
One of Pip"s unfavorable actions is the unconditional love he gave to Estella. The problem with this is he is setting himself up for a disappointment. Estella has been brought up by Miss Havisham to have a heart of ice. The result is that she can not love anyone, not Pip or Miss Havisham. Estella even tells Pip this but because his love is so great he does not take it seriously and eventually his heart is broken when she marries Drummle, who is a complete loser in Pip"s eyes.
Another of Pip"s unfavorable decisions include neglecting Joe and Biddy. Joe had been like a father to Pip. Being a good friend, supporting him in time of need, and teaching him important values of life. Biddy first taught Pip to read and write and loved Pip. For Pip to turn his back on these early friends just because of his new position in society was wrong.

Among Pip"s favorable actions is the donation of money to Herbert"s business secretly. This action shows Pip"s goodwill and genuine kindness to a good friend in need.
Another favorable action is the final realization by Pip that he is the one to blame for being mislead to believing that Miss Havisham is his benefactor, and that he was not ment for Estella all along.


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